Get Involved
There are many ways to get involved with Bags of Hope! The first and easiest is to PRAY! Another easy way to be a part of what we're doing in our community is to GIVE. You can click "GIVE" at the top for more on regarding that aspect of involvement.
BUT part of the vision of Bags of Hope is that the responsibility of caring for children in foster care does not solely rest on the social workers and the state... neither does it rest on an organization such as ours! The responsibility belongs to ALL OF US! So with that, our vision for the functioning part of Bags of Hope is to include as many churches, groups, and organizations as possible. When we all lift the burden together and help each other carry the load, it's much more manageable!
So listed below are the ways you can physically and literally help carry the burden. Please fill out the form in the area you feel you can help the most. If there's more than one, that's okay too! :)
-Sell ornaments
-Set up a table with a sample bag
-Be the liaison between my organization and Bags of Hope
-Donate specific items needed by Bags of Hope
Fill out the form below and let us know how you heard of Bags of Hope